Charlie Chaplin

"Failure is unimportant. 
It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."
-Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin's silent films inspired us to make our movie in which we will be satirizing the rich. His impressive comedies kept his audience hooked and full of laughter. He was a superstar in the silent film industry and was a great 20th century icon. Chaplin's childhood was wretched and he first stepped on stage at the age of five. His career soon took off quickly, giving him immediate fame and wealth. Our movie helps show the difference between the rich and poor class and what was considered sociably acceptable during the 18th Century. We hope what we have put together can be informative as well as enjoyable. 

Below is a link to our script.

A Day In The Life
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Download File

Charlie Chaplin. Photograph. Web. <>.

"Charlie Chaplin: Biography from" Wiki Q&A Combined with Free Online Dictionary, 
Thesaurus, and Encyclopedias. Web. 26 May 2010. <>.